
技术编号:20370792 阅读:169 留言:0更新日期:2019-02-16 21:01

An Antenna Device and Mobile Terminal

An antenna device includes: a band-stop filter (105) electrically connects one end to the feeding branch (103) and the other end to the grounding branch (104); a first antenna (101) and a feeding branch (103) constitutes a first antenna for generating the first resonant frequency electrical signal; and a second line branch (102), a feeding branch (103) and a ground branch (104) constitutes a third resonant frequency electrical signal. The loop antenna of No. 105 has an electric length of 1/4 of the wavelength of the third resonant frequency electric signal, and the band-stop filter (105) can filter the electric signal in the range of the preset stopband resonant frequency. A mobile terminal is also provided. In the absence of switching devices, the antenna bandwidth can be extended to a wider range, and the cost of UE can be reduced by increasing the grounding branch (104) to separate the electrical signals in different frequency bands. At the same time, parasitic effects caused by switching devices can be avoided, so as to improve the antenna performance.





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