
技术编号:20291467 阅读:93 留言:0更新日期:2019-02-10 21:24

Method and Equipment for Obtaining Packet Processing Delay

The embodiment of the present invention provides a method and device for acquiring the delay of message processing, which includes: receiving message notification message and acquiring the time of receiving message notification message, as the first receiving time, message notification message is used to indicate the processing of starting data message; acquiring data message according to the instruction of message notification message, and processing data message, and obtaining data message. After processing, the data message is sent to STA, and the time of receiving the confirmation message returned by STA is taken as the second receiving time. According to the first receiving time and the second receiving time, the processing delay of the data message is calculated. The embodiment of the present invention can determine whether a wireless AP in a WIFI network is a fault point.





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