
技术编号:20251852 阅读:64 留言:0更新日期:2019-02-01 20:52

A medicine for deafness

The invention relates to a medicine for deafness, coconut oil, a medicine discipline in Shu medicine field, and traditional Chinese medicine. At present, there is basically no medicine for deafness, not to mention specific drugs. Most of the medicines used to dredge blood vessels have little effect. No medicine for external treatment of deafness has been seen. Coconut oil has the function of maintaining and repairing nerves, and has the function of dredging collaterals and dredging blood. When coconut oil is applied to the ear holes, the first thing to see is that old ear stumps begin to fall off in large quantities. This is the result of coconut oil penetrating into the ear canal and detaching the ear stump from the body. This enables coconut oil to be directly in contact with all parts of the ear system. Mucosa in all parts of the ear system can absorb coconut oil and send it to the microvasculature and nerve to restore the vitality and health of microvasculature and nerve. In order to cure deafness, this patent is invented. Coconut oil is used to treat deafness, and combined with oral drugs to dredge blood vessels, protect nerves and repair cells, the ear can completely restore hearing.





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