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技术编号:20183111 阅读:32 留言:0更新日期:2019-01-23 02:33

Equilibrium Conductance Compensation Global Linear Eccentricity Method for DC Power Flow Obtainment

A global linear eccentricity method based on balanced conductance compensation for DC power flow is proposed. Firstly, a global linear relationship (101) of balanced conductance compensation for node injection power with respect to node translation voltage is established according to node load parameters and node power supply parameters in DC power network. Then, DC power is established according to the global linear relationship of balanced conductance compensation and reference node number. The global linear eccentricity model of equilibrium conductance compensation for power flow in power network (102); then, according to the global linear eccentricity model of equilibrium conductance compensation, the global linear eccentricity matrix formula (103) of equilibrium conductance compensation for the translation voltage of non-reference nodes with respect to the injection power of non-reference nodes is established; finally, the global linear eccentricity matrix formula of equilibrium conductance compensation and the translation power of reference nodes are used. Voltage value, calculating the voltage value of each node and transmission power value of each branch (104) in the DC power network, realizes the problem of small amount of calculation and no convergence, and has high accuracy when the operation state of the DC power network changes in a wide range.





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