
技术编号:20123281 阅读:35 留言:0更新日期:2019-01-16 13:01

A Method and Equipment for Generating Measurement Results

A method and device for generating measurement results includes: a terminal receives a reference signal transmitted on the transmitting beam of a corresponding cell on the receiving beam for each cell, and measures the received reference signal, obtains at least one set of measurement samples for each cell, processes at least one set of measurement samples for each cell, and obtains at least one set of measurement samples for each cell. An initial processing value and at least one initial processing value are processed to obtain at least one target processing value. The terminal reports the target processing value of at least one target processing value satisfying the preset reporting rule as the measurement result to the base station or for cell quality evaluation by the terminal itself. Therefore, the method provided by the embodiment of the present invention takes into account the beam forming operation in high frequency scenes, and the terminal obtains measurement samples for different beam combinations, and performs filtering and calculation to make the generated measurement results more accurate.





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