
技术编号:20084344 阅读:38 留言:0更新日期:2019-01-15 03:50

A Data Processing Method and Terminal Equipment and Base Station

A data processing method and a terminal device and a base station include: the terminal device determines that the type of at least one wireless bearer of the terminal device is converted from the first type to the second type; the terminal device discards the RLC protocol data unit and/or the RLC service data unit cached by the entities of the wireless link control protocol RLC layer of the at least one wireless bearer; The terminal device assembles the RLC protocol data unit received by the receiving side of the at least one wireless carrying RLC layer entity into the RLC service data unit, and submits the RLC service data unit in sequence to the upper entity of the RLC layer entity, in which the upper entity is the upper entity of the RLC layer entity before the conversion of the at least one wireless carrying type. When a type of wireless bearer changes between type I and type_, it can prevent packet loss caused by unpacking failure and save empty port resources.





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