
技术编号:20084266 阅读:18 留言:0更新日期:2019-01-15 03:48

A Cache Data Request Method and Related Devices

The embodiment of the present invention provides a method for caching data acquisition. After the data requesting device detects the first request message for the target data server, it determines the target local caching device for caching the target data server's business data according to the list of local caching devices sent by the base station in advance. After that, the data requesting device establishes a network connection between the target local caching device and the target local caching device through the network connection. The target local cache device sends a business data request for the target data server. By caching the data of the target data server into the local cache device on the base station side, the data requesting device can request the target business data directly from the target data server, avoiding the waste of transmission overhead and large transmission delay caused by requesting data from the target data server, thus improving the response speed of the data requesting device after requesting data.





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