
技术编号:19562474 阅读:24 留言:0更新日期:2018-11-25 00:41

Processing method, device and electronic equipment of medical image transmission data

The embodiment of the present invention discloses a processing method, device and electronic device for medical image transmission data, in which the processing method for medical image transmission data applied to a user terminal includes: generating medical image transmission data in response to a request for generating medical image auxiliary medical records; transmitting the said data through a block chain network Medical image transmission data to AI service center. The processing method of medical image transmission data applied in AI Service Center includes: receiving medical image transmission data sent by user terminals through block chain network; generating medical image auxiliary medical records according to the medical image transmission data; and transmitting the medical image auxiliary medical records through the block chain network. By the above way, the embodiment of the present invention can prevent the data from being tampered with in the transmission of medical image data and in the process of obtaining medical image auxiliary medical records. At the same time, the whole process of transmission of information has traceability and improves the security performance of information transmission.





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