
技术编号:19392941 阅读:23 留言:0更新日期:2018-11-10 03:34

Electric batch fixtures

A batch fixing fixture includes a support rod (1), a support arm (2), a movable chuck (3) and a bearing seat (4); the bearing seat is sleeved on the support rod, and the bearing seat is connected with one end of the support arm. The bearing seat can drive the support arm to move toward both ends of the support rod and to drive the support arm. The supporting rod rotates as a rotating center, and the movable chuck is rotationally connected with the other end of the supporting arm. The movable chuck can rotate with the rotating joint as the rotating center, and the movable chuck is used to hold the batch. The fixed tooling of the batch can realize the vertical and horizontal movement of the batch. It can not only meet the demand of the batch multi-direction movement, but also can rotate the support arm to one side without using the batch to avoid occupying the working space, thus solving the problem of large space occupied by the existing auxiliary support.





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