
技术编号:18899565 阅读:28 留言:0更新日期:2018-09-08 14:26

Touch screen and terminal equipment with touch screen

The embodiment of the present application provides a touch screen and a terminal device with a touch screen, the touch driving electrode extends in a first direction, the touch driving circuit is arranged in a non-display area of the touch screen, and the extension direction is parallel to the extension direction of the touch driving electrode, i.e., the extension direction of the touch driving circuit and the touch driving electrode. The extension direction is the same; thus, each touch drive electrode needs to be connected to the touch drive circuit by a touch drive electrode lead. In order to reduce the frame width of the capacitive touch screen, the touch drive electrode leads are arranged in the area where the grid drive circuit is located, that is, the touch drive electrode leads and the grid drive circuit are overlapped and isolated from each other, thus saving the width of the touch drive electrode leads occupying the non-display area of the touch screen, thereby, The width of the frame of the embedded capacitive touch screen is reduced, and the capacitive touch screen with narrow frame is realized.





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