
技术编号:18844532 阅读:163 留言:0更新日期:2018-09-05 09:02

Uplink subcarrier spacing indication method, base station and terminal

The embodiment of the invention provides an uplink subcarrier interval indication method, a base station and a terminal, which determine the indication information for indicating the first uplink subcarrier interval supported by itself and communicate with the terminal according to the indication information. In the communication process, the terminal is instructed to support a first uplink subcarrier interval of its own, so that the terminal determines a second uplink subcarrier interval of its own support according to the first uplink subcarrier interval subsequently; or, the information transmitted by the receiving terminal carrying the second uplink subcarrier interval, i.e. the indication of the receiving terminal, is received so as to be informed. The terminal transmits the uplink signal by adopting or supporting the second uplink subcarrier interval, so that the terminal adopts the appropriate uplink subcarrier interval and transmits the uplink signal during the subsequent transmission of the uplink signal, thereby enabling the base station to correctly demodulate the uplink signal transmitted by the terminal.





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