
技术编号:18844311 阅读:32 留言:0更新日期:2018-09-05 09:00

An optical add drop multiplexer and its control method and transceiver

The embodiment of the invention provides an optical add-drop multiplexer comprising a plurality of tunable optical add-drop multiplexers T_OADM, each T_OADM comprising a second wavelength control unit and two grating auxiliary filters GAF, a second wavelength control unit connected to a second GAF, a download port of the first GAF connected to an input port of the second GAF, and a first GAF connected to an input port of the second GAF. The upload port is connected with the output port of the second GAF; the input port of the first GAF receives multiple wavelengths of light, and the first GAF transmits the first light to the input port of the second GAF through the download port of the first GAF; and the second wavelength control unit changes the downwave spectrum of the second GAF according to the first amplitude of the wavelength shift to obtain the first. Light wave response; second GAF download port outputs the first target bandwidth of the first target light wave. The embodiment of the invention also provides a control method and transceiver for an optical add drop multiplexer.





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