
技术编号:18843709 阅读:29 留言:0更新日期:2018-09-05 08:55

Device and detection system with crack detection circuit

A device with a crack detection circuit (40) includes a main body (10) and a detection control module (30) and a detection coil (20) mounted on the main body (10); the main body (10) includes a top surface (01), a bottom surface (02) and a side (03) connected between the top surface (01) and the bottom surface (02); and the detection coil (20) is distributed over the main body (1). The detection coil (20) is electrically connected to the detection control module (30) to form a closed-loop detection circuit (40) for detecting cracks in the edge region of the main body (10); the detection coil (20) comprises a plurality of detection segments connected in turn at the beginning and the end of the detection coil (30). The adjacent detection section is not collinear. It also includes a crack detection system. The device and the system realize the detection of any angle crack of the main body (10) and improve the accuracy and efficiency of the crack detection.





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