
技术编号:18789919 阅读:32 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-29 09:49

A method for knitting and shaping a sinus bracket and a bracket obtained therefrom.

A braiding forming method for a nasal sinus stent includes: providing silk thread (21); providing a braiding tool (1) with a longitudinal central axis (A), comprising a first shaped part (11) and a second shaped part (12) axially spaced from each other, and a first shaped part (11) having N first anchors (1111, 1112... 111n), the second shape part (12) has n second anchors (1211, 1212... Around the circumferential direction of the knitting tooling (1), the single thread (21) starts from the first first anchor point (1111) on the first shaped part (11), extends across the M 1 Vertex spacing to the second anchor point, then extends across the M2 vertex spacing to the first anchor point, completes the first V-shaped knitting path, and then repeats the word \V\. The initial configuration scaffold (2) has a circumference (C) and N vertices. The vertex spacing is an integral multiple of the circumference (C) divided by n, M1 and m2, and the sum of M1 + M2 is an integer. The sum of M1 + M2 is not an integral multiple of n. The nasal sinus stent obtained by the braiding method has good shape adaptability and is especially suitable for the self-expanding stent in the nasal cavity.





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