
技术编号:18626635 阅读:22 留言:0更新日期:2018-08-08 02:49

Crankshaft boring fixtures

The utility model discloses a fixed tooling of a crankshaft, which solves the problem of complicated structure and inconvenient use of the existing crankshaft positioning equipment, including a positioning seat, a positioning cylinder, a positioning rod and a positioning block. The positioning seat has a positioning trough and a horizontal extension slot two extending from the upper and lower parts, and the positioning slots one and the positioning slot. Two intersecting; the top of the positioning seat is provided with a calibration hole, the calibration hole is extended downward with the positioning slot two, and the calibration hole is provided with a calibration sleeve; the positioning cylinder is mounted on the back of the positioning seat, and the piston rod of the positioning cylinder is connected to the positioning lever through the positioning seat, and the positioning rod is driven to move; the positioning rod is driven to move; the positioning rod is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever is driven to move; the positioning lever The block is connected to the end of the positioning rod, and the positioning block is corresponding to the positioning slot. The utility model has simple structure, and the clamping or loosening of the crankshaft is realized by the positioning cylinder, which facilitates the operation of the staff and improves the efficiency of the drilling hole; on the other hand, the setting of the calibration hole can improve the accuracy of the perforation.





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