
技术编号:18467501 阅读:28 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 16:48

Data communication method, terminal device and network device

An embodiment of the invention provides a data communication method, a terminal device and a network device in which the terminal device receives the first indication information on the first period of time, and the terminal device sends first information on the second time period, the length of the first time period is the first time interval unit and the length of the second time period. For the second time unit, the length of the second time unit is greater than the length of the first time unit; in this way, although the terminal device receives the first indication information on the first time unit N, the terminal device sends the first information on the second time unit M of the length of the first time unit, avoiding the terminal device having no foot. Enough uplink transmission resources transmit the first information to reduce the capacity defects of the system.





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