
技术编号:18467499 阅读:69 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 16:48

Methods, devices, and systems for transmitting data at end to end

The present invention provides a method and device for transmitting data at end to end. The method includes: a transmission terminal determines a first time frequency resource for sending data to a receiving terminal; the transmission terminal sends data to the receiving terminal on the first time frequency resource; the transmission terminal is sent to the receiving terminal to send the data. Data is sent to other receiving terminals at the same time, and the data sent by the transmission terminal to at least one other receiving terminal in the other receiving terminal is different from the data sent to the receiving terminal, and / or the transmission terminal sends data to less than two other receiving terminals in the other receiving terminal. Same. It can achieve different D2D business interaction between different terminal device combinations.





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