
技术编号:18467468 阅读:46 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 16:47

Data transmission method, user equipment and network side equipment

The present invention provides a data transmission method, a user device and a network side device, in which the user device UE encrypts and protects the packet by using an encryption key and the integrity protection key, in which the encryption key and the integrity protection key are generated by the UE according to the UE. The first random number is generated or generated from the second random number received from the network side device, which includes the identification of the UE and the user data; the UE sends the encrypted and integrity protected data packets to the network side device when the UE is not connected to the wireless resource control RRC of the base station. The invention can realize the secure transmission of data and reduce the signaling cost when the RRC connection is not established between the UE and the base station.





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