
技术编号:18467466 阅读:40 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 16:47

A system message notification method and user equipment

An embodiment of the invention discloses a system message notification method and a user equipment, which involves the communication technology field. The method includes: the wireless resource control layer of the user equipment receives the network configuration message sent by the network side, and the network configuration message contains the data service access control parameters; when the data service is access control, the network configuration message is controlled by the network configuration message. When the value of the parameter is zero, the wireless resource control layer sends the first notification message to the non access layer of the user device, which is used to indicate that the user device prohibits access to the data service. The present example prompts the user immediately after receiving the forbidden message of the data service to avoid the user's error in the operation of the data service, thus improving the efficiency of the data processing of the user equipment and improving the user's experience on the user's equipment.





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