
技术编号:18467459 阅读:36 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 16:47

Information transmission method, base station and communication system

The embodiment of the invention provides an information transmission method, a base station, and a communication system. The information transmission method includes the first base station broadcasting at least one base station's public system information, in which at least one base station has a communication interface with the first base station, and the first base station determines a second base station suitable for the user equipment UE access in the at least one base station, and the combined second base station is to the UE. By sending the information of the proprietary system of the second base station, it can effectively transmit the system information and further broadcast the public system messages of the small stations as the first base station of the macro station, which can avoid the repeated broadcast of the same system information and save the empty resources of the small stations.





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