
技术编号:18467416 阅读:19 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 16:46

Resource allocation method, allocation system, computer program product and communication equipment

The embodiment of the invention provides a resource allocation method, a distribution system, a computer program product and a communication device. The allocation method includes: determining whether the first subframe priority transmission is required according to the configuration parameters of the first subframe; the first subframe is a subframe in the first wireless communication system; the transmission direction of the second subframe with a cross interference with the first subframe is set when the first subframe priority transmission needs to be guaranteed. In order to be the same as that of the first subframe, the second subframe is a subframe in the second wireless communication system; a OFDM symbol with cross interference in the first subframe with the second subframe in the first subframe is set to a forbidden transmission without the need to guarantee the first subframe priority transmission. This method can adjust the resources between two wireless communication systems in an orderly way, which can be flexible and efficient to meet the business requirements between different networks and achieve a smooth transition of network upgrading.





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