
技术编号:18467155 阅读:25 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 16:37

Traffic data transmission methods and devices

An embodiment of the invention provides a transmission method and device for business data, which includes: an information control center acquires first information sent by a business server, the first information includes business information and / or application information; the information control center acquires second information sent by the user equipment, and the second information packet. At least one of the service information, mobility information, behavior information and state information of the user equipment, which controls the transmission of the business data of the user's equipment according to the first information and / or the second information described. The embodiment of the invention can control the transmission of business data and provide different transmission quality for different types of business data according to the specific information of the business data obtained by the information control center, and improves the business data compared with the transmission of the service data of the network side devices only by the service quality mechanism in the existing technology. Transmission flexibility.





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