
技术编号:18467021 阅读:26 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 16:33

A Bluetooth pairing method and Bluetooth device

An embodiment of the invention discloses a Bluetooth pairing method and a Bluetooth device, in which the method is applied to a first Bluetooth device, which includes detecting the motion parameters of the first Bluetooth device for motion; if the motion parameter satisfies the preset condition, the Bluetooth is opened, and at least one Bluetooth device within an effective range is widely used. The first query packet is sowed; the first query response packet returned by at least one Bluetooth device in the valid range is received; the paired bluetooth device is determined from at least one Bluetooth device in the valid range according to the first information included in the first query response packet, and the first information includes the first pairing indication information and the RS At least one of the SI messages; sends pairing requests to the paired bluetooth devices to match the paired bluetooth devices. It can be seen that the first Bluetooth device can be quickly and conveniently paired by the user with the first Bluetooth device to complete the presupposition movement by carrying out this method.





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