
技术编号:18465076 阅读:23 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 15:32

A flat lamp

A flat light, including a light guide layer (1), a reflection layer (2), a diffusion layer (3), a buffer layer (4) and a back plate (6), the guide layer (1) has a relative two surfaces and is respectively a back and a light surface, the reflection layer (2) is on the back of the light guide layer (1), the diffusion layer (3) is located in the light surface of the light guide layer (1), and the buffer layer (4) is located on the back panel (6) and reflection layer (2). Between the reflection layer (2) and the light guide layer (1), there are a number of light guiding points (5); the light source (16) and the outer frame (7) are also included, and the incident point of the light source (16) is located on the side of the light guide layer (1); the back plate (6), the light guide layer (1), the reflection layer (2), the buffer layer (4) and the diffusion layer (3) are stacked into a flat form. The buffer layer (4) can be a sucking product; it has the function of cushioning and deformation prevention; the single side light intake and buffer material of the wedge guide layer (1) can be used, and the diffusion layer (3) has the function of discoloration and scratch proof guide layer and the other through the spliced light guide layer (1) to make it suitable for the large plane lamp, and the light luminescence is uniform, the cost is low, and the structure design section is low. Learning and easy to implement.





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