
技术编号:18461598 阅读:30 留言:0更新日期:2018-07-18 13:51

A method and device for measuring blood pressure by wearable device

A method and device for measuring blood pressure by a wearable device includes: the first wearable device receives the blood pressure instruction, and the first wearable device sends the measured blood pressure instructions received to the second wearable device, and the first wearable device receives feedback information sent by the second wearable device; The first wearable device begins to collect the first blood pressure reference data; the first wearable device receives the second blood pressure reference data long after the first setting of the second wearable device; the first wearable device is based on the first blood pressure reference data long in the first set, and the said first wearable device. Blood pressure is calculated by setting the second blood pressure reference data for a long time. The above methods can be used to measure blood pressure conveniently, continuously and accurately, and improve user experience.





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