
技术编号:17310753 阅读:56 留言:0更新日期:2018-02-19 11:12

Methods and devices for uplink data transmission

The embodiment of the invention provides a method and device for uplink data transmission, the method includes: receiving a first message including information transmission mode, the transmission mode information is used for indicating the terminal equipment can pass through the same time interval TTI of at least two CTU competition transmission unit for transmitting uplink data, the time, frequency, CTU code domain combination of transmission resources or time, frequency and pilot combination of transmission resources, or resources, refers to the transmission time, frequency, code domain and pilot combination of the uplink data of the at least two CTU transmission part of the same or all the same; including second send message indicating information. The indication information for the terminal equipment is determined according to the uplink data transmission by using the indication information of CTU. Because the terminal device can transmit upstream data through at least two CTU in the same TTI, it can enhance the reliability of data transmission and reduce transmission delay.





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