
技术编号:17310745 阅读:65 留言:0更新日期:2018-02-19 11:11

Methods and devices for transmitting uplink data

The invention discloses a method and a device for transmitting uplink data, the method comprises: a network device receiving terminal equipment control symbol frequency resource sent through the control when the control symbol is the terminal equipment for encoding modulation control information processing according to the control mode and control encoding modulation used by terminal equipment after generation, control information for data encoding instructions used by terminal equipment, control of time-frequency resources belong to transmission resources for uplink transmission, data transmission resources include time-frequency resources, control time-frequency resources and data time-frequency resources according to the different control mode and control; encoding modulation mode used by the terminal equipment, to control the symbol demodulation and decoding processing in order to obtain the control information; and according to the control information, the data symbols of terminal equipment through the data transmission time frequency resource Decoding is processed to get uplink data, where data symbols are generated by encoding and processing of uplink data according to the data encoding method of terminal devices.





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