
技术编号:17310668 阅读:48 留言:0更新日期:2018-02-19 11:02

Image prediction method and related equipment

The image prediction method and the related device. A prediction method of image includes the current image block of the W control points of the motion vector is determined; calculate the motion vector of the current image block P pixel unit is obtained using the motion model and the W control points of motion vector, determine the W control points of motion vector accuracy of 1/n pixel accuracy motion vector for each. Pixel P pixel unit is calculated in the accuracy of 1/N pixel accuracy, P pixel unit for the current image block all or part of the pixel unit, N is greater than N; for the pixel interpolation filter Q corresponding to the reference pixel unit each unit pixel P pixel unit in the reference image in the the interpolation filter using the phase number, in pixels of each pixel is obtained by a P unit pixel unit in the predictive value of Q is greater than n. The embodiment of the invention provides a technical scheme for reducing the computational complexity of the image prediction process.





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