
技术编号:17310650 阅读:39 留言:0更新日期:2018-02-19 11:00

A method for obtaining depth information and a camera device

A method of obtaining the depth information and image pickup apparatus, image pickup apparatus includes a lens, an image sensor, the image sensor comprises at least one micro lens, each at least one micro lens in the micro lens corresponding to a pixel, a pixel comprises N sub pixels, N is an integer of four or more methods; including: for each image sensor on at least one micro lens micro lens, camera device through the pixel image sensor microlens corresponding to the received optical signal; imaging apparatus based on optical signals of pixels corresponding to the micro lens receiving position, and the relationship between the pixels including N sub pixels. To determine the phase information of the received optical signal pixels; imaging device according to the corresponding relationship between phase and depth information preset, obtaining the depth information corresponding to the phase information After that, the camera device determines the depth information corresponding to the photographed object according to the depth information corresponding to each microlens in at least one microlens.





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