
技术编号:16707597 阅读:133 留言:0更新日期:2017-12-02 22:39

A method and system for detecting the DC zero bias of the output current of a frequency converter

Method and system for detecting partial zero current output of an inverter in inverter, the electrical load in the no-load steady state, zero drift to the inverter current sampling circuit as the starting point, to gradually change the current closed-loop regulation according to the initial step of presupposition, and extract the harmonic amplitude of the output frequency signal of the motor and load speed inverter consistent, DC bias is determined for the search step search (S101); in the electrical load in the no-load steady state, with zero drift as a starting point, according to the search step change current loop regulation, and detect the output frequency of the speed signal of the load motor and inverter in the minimum harmonic amplitude of the same, sure DC bias (S102). The method and system consider the frequency characteristics of current sensor and sampling circuit, and also consider the nonlinearity of inverter bridge and the DC component of harmonic introduced by PWM modulation. The detected DC bias is more accurate.





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