
技术编号:15768626 阅读:482 留言:0更新日期:2017-07-06 19:44

Method, device and device for transmitting information

The embodiment of the invention provides a method for determining the state of transmission, the method comprises: receiving terminal equipment in the first period, the first symbol sequence sending terminal device sent; according to the first sequence of symbols, first determine the modulation parameter set, wherein, the first modulation parameter set is the transmitting terminal equipment for modulation. The first generation of symbol sequence modulation parameters used when set, the modulation parameter set includes at least one of the following: a set of constellation points and codebook mapping; according to the first preset information, and determine the first modulation parameter sets the first transmission state corresponding to the state, as the transmission, the sending terminal equipment in second hours during which, the first mapping information is used for indicating N transmission status and N modulation parameter set between the one-to-one mapping between the first The modulation parameter set belongs to the set of N modulation parameters, and the second time interval is after the first time interval.





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