
技术编号:15531203 阅读:182 留言:0更新日期:2017-06-04 17:59

Information transmission method and device

The embodiment of the invention provides information transmission method and device thereof, the method comprises the following steps: first to determine the attribute information of the attribute; the information including: the characteristic parameters of the information and the information; according to the first attribute determined except the first second attributes of property the information; further, according to the information transmission of the attribute information; the characteristics of the information including any of the following types: MCS modulation encoding, transmission block size TBS and the number of bits of information; the information includes at least one of the following types: system information block SIB the main information block MIB, paging message, RAR, downlink unicast data and downlink control information DCI, uplink data and uplink control information UCI; so as to save the system cost and improve system resource benefit Utilization rate.





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