
技术编号:15397320 阅读:88 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-19 11:45

Unauthorized frequency band communication method, device and system

The embodiment of the invention provides a communication method and apparatus, a non authorized band in which the method includes: a base station to a base station connected to the low power of the base station and the user equipment transmits request information, request the low power of the base station and the user equipment for measuring non award candidate channel on the right; the base station based on the low power station and the measurement results reported by the user equipment, working parameters and the low power of the base station negotiate the low power of the base station; the base station with the low power of the base station negotiated the low power base station transmission parameters to the user equipment so, the user equipment parameters to access the low power of the base station base station according to the low power and data transmission. By the embodiment of the invention, the low power of the base station transmit data in a non authorized frequency band can be selected on the adjacent channel minimum interference with other systems work, and on the UE side, the channel is adjacent to other systems with minimum interference.





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