
技术编号:15295202 阅读:111 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-11 12:30

Sheet glazing interconnection structure and network

The embodiment of the invention relates to a sheet glazing interconnection structure and a network. The on-chip optical interconnect structure includes M optical switching devices, the M optical switching devices in class M optical switching devices including 2m 1 optical switching devices, the M optical switching devices in the I 1 optical switching devices in each optical switching equipment and switching two level I an optical switching device connected to the device, the I optical switching 1 level optical switching devices in the same optical switching devices are connected to the two optical switching device is connected between the I and the in equipment. The network can be divided into three layers, which can be divided into three layers, which can be divided into different layers to reduce the conflict and communication delay. In addition, the underlying optical switching device of the on-chip interconnect structure allows for faster and more efficient communication between computer components without having access to a higher level of optical switching devices.

一种<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/20/201580001132.html" title="一种片上光互连结构及网络原文来自X技术">片上光互连结构及网络</a>




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