
技术编号:15294870 阅读:54 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-11 12:06

Method and terminal for processing communication event

The present invention provides a method and a terminal for handling communication events including: first, the terminal according to the terminal and / or terminal connection with at least one of the devices to obtain information to determine the communication event occurs when the user state is the first state, the first treatment strategy according to the first state to determine the activities include the processing of information the first activity according to the state, and the first processing strategies of communication events; finally, when the terminal according to the terminal and / or terminal connection with at least one of the devices to obtain information to determine the user's status is changed to second active, corresponding to the user and / or communication events according to the active second to remind the end. The terminal determines a first processing strategy to deal with the communication events according to the first state, when the user activity status updates for the second active state, corresponding to the user and / or communication events according to the active second to end remind communication events to improve the flexibility of communication terminal processing events.

<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/62/201580039365.html" title="处理通信事件的方法和终端原文来自X技术">处理通信事件的方法和终端</a>




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