
技术编号:15294832 阅读:91 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-11 12:03

Method, device and system for equipment configuration in wireless communication network

The embodiment of the invention provides a method, a device and a system for configuring a device in a wireless communication network. The second devices will send a first message to the first device, the first message includes the second device signature public key; the first device sends the public key signature second device to the fourth device or equipment second transmits the signature information to the second device to make the configuration second be able to treat the equipment configuration of equipment configuration, the configuration of equipment including third devices; the devices in the wireless communication network become configuration can treat equipment configuration configuration; therefore, when there is a wireless communication network to configure multiple devices need to be configured, can be configured for multiple devices the configuration consists of a plurality of configuration; the present invention resolves the problem of low efficiency of allocation.

<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/62/201580039873.html" title="无线通信网络中设备配置的方法、装置及系统原文来自X技术">无线通信网络中设备配置的方法、装置及系统</a>




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