
技术编号:15287389 阅读:126 留言:0更新日期:2017-05-10 06:59

Wireless communication method, device and system

The embodiment of the invention provides a wireless communication method, a device and a system, relating to the technical field of communication, which can solve the problem of low utilization rate of the carrier in the wireless communication system. This method, wireless access equipment using at least three time slots and the user equipment in the first carrier communication, the at least three slots includes at least one full duplex slot, at least one downlink time slot and at least one uplink time slot; wireless access equipment in the full duplex slot includes one or more signal transmission and the signal receiving; the wireless access device transmits a downlink signal in the downlink time slot; the wireless access device receives the uplink signals in the uplink time slot. Embodiments of the present invention for wireless communications.

一种<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/62/201480081345.html" title="一种无线通信方法、设备及系统原文来自X技术">无线通信方法、设备及系统</a>




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