
技术编号:15196213 阅读:148 留言:0更新日期:2017-04-21 02:53

Data transmission method and medium access controller

Including the embodiment of the invention provides a method, a data transmission circuit receiving media access controller in receiving N messages; the distribution circuit generates a first data block and the second block of data, the first data block includes a first set of the second data block includes second sets; the distribution circuit will be the first the data block is distributed to the first circuit, the circuit will distribute the second data block is distributed to the second circuit; the first circuit of the first data block into the first data, the second circuit of the second data blocks into second data; the first circuit through the first channel to send the first data the second circuit, by sending the second data channel second. In addition, other methods and corresponding media access controllers are also provided. The technical proposal of the invention can save the occupation of the network resources by the Ethernet interface.

<a href="http://www.xjishu.com/zhuanli/62/201480081275.html" title="数据传输的方法和媒体接入控制器原文来自X技术">数据传输的方法和媒体接入控制器</a>




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