
技术编号:1456374 阅读:158 留言:0更新日期:2012-04-11 18:40

Purifying and nutritive health-care composition containing bamboo charcoal, preparation method and application thereof

The invention discloses a containing bamboo charcoal purification and / or nutritional composition, the composition of bamboo charcoal and stone as raw material, and optionally containing activated carbon, the composition of the total 100%, the components of the weight ratio of bamboo charcoal 6099%, stone 1 40%, and activated carbon 040%. The composition of the invention can be made into any suitable application form, preferably in the form of tea. The invention also discloses the preparation method and the use method of the composition. The composition of the invention can be used for the improvement of water quality and food quality, can effectively remove poisonous and harmful substances and residual pesticides in water and food, and can ensure the safe use of water and food. At the same time, the bamboo charcoal, Maifan stone in minerals and trace elements dissolved quantity, long-term use can complement the human body needs minerals and trace elements, to regulate the physiological function, enhance physical fitness, reduce the role of disease.





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