
技术编号:14557051 阅读:68 留言:0更新日期:2017-02-05 11:26
本申请提供了参数配置装置及参数配置方法。所述参数配置装置包括确定单元、生成单元、发送单元。确定单元,用于确定参数信息及所述参数信息的参数类型;生成单元,用于成携带所述参数信息及所述参数类型的MAC PDU;发送单元,用于向UE发送所述MAC PDU,以便所述UE根据所述MAC PDU携带的所述参数信息和所述参数类型对所述参数类型对应的属性参数进行参数配置。采用本发明专利技术实施例,由于在进行UE参数变更时,参数信息可以通过MAC PDU传输,从而可以节省信令资源,减少参数配置对通信系统容量的影响。

Parameter configuration device and parameter configuration method

The invention provides a parameter configuration device and parameter configuration method. The parameter configuration device comprises a determining unit, a generating unit and a sending unit. A determination unit for determining the parameter type parameter information and the parameter information; generating unit, used to carry the parameter information and parameters of the type of MAC PDU; sending unit for sending the UE MAC to PDU, so that the UE based on the attribute parameter of the MAC carried by PDU the parameter information and parameters of the type of the corresponding parameters of the type of parameter configuration. The embodiment of the invention, because the UE parameters change, parameter information through MAC PDU transmission, which can save signaling resources, reduce the impact parameters of the communication system capacity.





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