
技术编号:14550047 阅读:84 留言:0更新日期:2017-02-04 23:08

A free cutting of high sulfur containing Mn Cu alloy and its manufacturing method

A free cutting of high sulfur containing Mn Cu alloy and its manufacturing method. The components of the alloy with mass percent: copper 52.0%-95.0%, 0.01%-0.20% P, 0.01%-20% 0.55%-7.0% tin, manganese, sulfur 0.191%-1.0%, except zinc and manganese and sulfur sulfur affinity is less than one or more metal affinity, and its content is less than 2%, the balance of zinc and impurities and inevitable, which except zinc and sulfur the affinity of manganese and sulfur is less than the affinity of metal nickel, iron, tungsten, cobalt, molybdenum, antimony, bismuth and niobium. The copper alloy is manufactured by powder metallurgy method, and the alloy powder, the sulfide powder and the nickel powder are uniformly mixed, and the pressing, sintering, repressing and re burning of the copper alloy are carried out, and the copper alloy is obtained.





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